Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 TBR Pile Challenge: 2 Down, 10 to Go!, part 2

Ok, so here is the missing review for the second book I finished off my TBR Pile!

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Kids on 25 Words or Less
by Terry Ryan and Suze Orman

Let's start with the obvious: I have no idea what part of this book Suze Orman may have written, or why she has anything to do with it at all.

Now on to the book itself. I enjoyed it, although it was truly not what I was expecting. It was definitely more of a tribute and not so much of a non-fiction book. The portrayal of Eyelyn Ryan is so positive as to be near-fantastic. (Of course, they say truth is stranger than fiction!)

That said, I was hoping for more than copies of the jingles without any insight into the process. Perhaps the scenes of Evelyn with her notebook at the ironing board are meant to give the insight into this, but it didn't explain how she came up with her ideas beyond the notion that she 'used her kids for inspiration.' Of course, Mrs. Ryan passed away before this book was written, so that might be asking for too much.

The most bizarre thing I learned in the book? For all the contest entries, judging and effort that went into them, the companies didn't actually use the winning entries for advertising! Today that would be unheard of, but then it was a matter of course.

Admittedly, this is kind of a chick lit book as well. I'm hoping my next foray into my TBR pile will be something a little more literary and a little less fluffy. (Or at least a little grittier and less sunny -- for February, seems appropriate.)

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