Sunday, January 28, 2007

And so it begins...

Right. So I've been considering starting a blog for a while, just to sort of siphon off some of the excess thinking that goes on in my head on a daily basis. I don't necessarily know if anyone (you, for example, whoever you are) will find this interesting. Hell, I don't even know if I'll find this interesting after very long.

Who can say?

At any rate, I thought I would give it a whirl.

A note about the title. No, this blog will not be about disco. This blog will very likely never again discuss disco in any form. However, the title comes from a sign seen on a very (very!) cold and snowy day atop Gellert Hill in Budapest. (It would be especially nice if I could figure out how to make the appropriate accent mark over the second 'e' in Gellert, but as it is, I will just note that there should, in fact, be such an accent mark, and hope that you will forgive me for not including it.)

A friend and I (alias: Thelma) had climbed to the top of Gellert Hill to see the Liberation monument and the Citadel. And I do mean climbed. Note to you, should you ever venture to Budapest: Climb to the top of Gellert Hill but understand that it is a very steep hill. Also, should you ever attempt the climb on a snowy day in March, be aware that it is very slippery, and try to avoid almost falling off one or more cliffs on your way. Not that I did this, of course, just saying as a general public service annoucement, because pondering exactly how Thelma would get your body repatriated is not the most fun mental exercise.

My point, ultimately, is that at the top of Gellert Hill, you will find the following things: the Liberation monument, an excellent view of Budapest (unless it is a very snowy/foggy day, in which case the view will not be quite as excellent), the Citadel, and a bar. A bar with funky disco. Every night. And that seems like a good enough sentiment to me.

So, welcome to my blog. Every night, funky disco!

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